You deserve sexual pleasure

Start your journey to better sex and more self-love,
whether you’re solo or partnered, with Bodysex®

In-person Bodysex WorkshopVirtual Bodysex Workshop

Hi! I’m Laura

I help women explore their sexual pleasure and heal body shame
in a safe and supportive space.

Taking a Bodysex® Workshop started my evolutionary journey to discover more sexual pleasure and fall truly in love with myself. Today, I am self-full and comfortable in my own skin. It’s now my mission to carry that gift forward.

What is Bodysex?

  • Bodysex® is a process developed by the legendary sex educator, Betty Dodson®, PH. D.  
  • Bodysex® Workshops are designed to support women with compassion as they connect to their bodies, heal shame, and move fully into pleasure

  • The workshops include specific rituals, such as Genital Show and Tell, Vulva Massage, and Erotic Recess

  • Every woman heals herself through the Bodysex® rituals, sharing in the circle, and self-pleasure

  • The intimacy that is inherent in Bodysex® often creates a feeling of sisterhood among those who have shared this space together

Why Bodysex?

Our culture hinders every woman’s
normal sexual development

The natural process of genital exploration is typically shut down early for girls. As a result, women are disconnected from their genitals and physical pleasure.

Masturbation is the foundation of human sexuality. 

Girls and women are taught that our bodies must fit an unrealistic ideal

Most of us hold shame around the appearance of our genitals

Sex education for girls and young women focuses on reproduction, without any mention of pleasure.

I can hear Betty voice: “It’s a vulva, not a vagina! The vagina is the birth canal only”

We don’t even use  the correct words for our sexual anatomy

The clitoris, every woman’s primary sex organ, isn’t commonly recognized as the main source of sexual pleasure

The standard sexual model is that a man “gives” sex, and a women is expected to “receive” what is given and like it. If not, then there must be something wrong with her.

She either feels broken or that she wants too much.

TRUTH: Women have tremendous capacity for sexual pleasure


The clitoris is the only organ that exists exclusively for pleasure


The clitoral glans has about 8,000 nerve endings, more than twice as on the head of a penis


The clitoris does not lose its erection after orgasm, making it possible for multiple orgasms


But women aren’t taught about our anatomy

or encouraged to explore our own pleasure

“Sex is a skill that must be practiced”    -Betty Dodson®

Register now for a Virtual Bodysex® Workshop with Laura


5 weekly group sessions
+ two individual sessions

Next workshop: Dates coming soon
Laura is currently on sabbatical

Add your name and email to waitlist
to be notified when workshop dates are announced

Tuition: $400
$200 deposit reserves your place

Bodysex Workshop

in-person with Carlin and Laura

Cleveland Ohio

12:00 pm to 5:00 pm each day

 Tuition: $1500


includes Betty's Barbell & a Magic Wand to take home
plus an online pre/post course

$400 deposit reserves your spot

Questions? Contact Laura:


 Sign up on waitlist to be notified
of dates when registration opens

My latest blog posts

A Shift Toward a More Authentic Self

A Shift Toward a More Authentic Self

A guest post by Wendy . . . I was invited to assist ( a.k.a. Stunt cunt ) In Laura‘s bodysex circle this last past weekend in Ohio... I humbly except her invitation.... I knew there be a bit of driving involved.... but I wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity to be in...

Just Show Up for Yourself

Just Show Up for Yourself

Everything was prepared for our first Bodysex circle in Columbus. Our location was a charmingly cozy older home rented through AirBnB.  It couldn’t have been more perfect!  I felt especially excited as the women arrived. There was a time that I thought this circle...

In the media

Betty Dodson® and Bodysex® (and my vulva) are featured in the
Netflix series GoopLab, season 1, episode 3 “The Pleasure is Ours”


Sex Files: Betty Dodson “the Mother of Masturbation” Left Legacy
The Toronto Sun, November 15, 2020


Mutual Masturbation is the Solve to your Pandemic Sex Woes
MEL Magazine, November 2020


Workshop Highlight: Erotic Recess, Masturbation at Mothership ’18
Mothership Community Magazine, January 17, 2019

Questions? Contact me!

Email me at

Or book a Zoom chat with me below

I'm happy to answer your questions via email or set up a complimentary 30-minute Zoom for us to talk more.